Wayo is accepted at the Kantaphat University, in the Faculty of Sciences; in the same institution he studies, Phana, a second-year boy he has always been in love with, though he never managed to talk to him. When Wayo has the chance to become the moon of his faculty, the two will begin to spe...
当一个新的出租房屋租客遇到一个失忆的幽灵。抢救发生在死亡后49天。让我们一起看看他能不能逃脱的结论。)~~改编自泰国漫画《我和我房间里的鬼》。 When a new rental house moves leading to meet an amnesiac wraith. Th e rescue occurred 49 days after death. Let's see the conclusion together that he c...
杰尼(普姆帕特·伊安查芒 Poompat Iam-samang 饰)是一名作家,擅长撰写奇幻类的小说。如今的文学界,耽美小说大行其道,为了投其所好,杰尼不得已改变了自己创作的方向,写出了《腹黑工程老公》。万万没有想到的是,这本小说一经出版,就成为了市场和读者的宠儿,甚至有影视公司买下了小说的改编权,并且雇...