Three people, the Lakhanis, an Indian couple, and an employee are shot dead by a long range sniper on a garage forecourt - a seemingly motiveless crime. Ten miles away another victim, profoundly deaf Hannah Smithson, is also shot, though her boyfriend's brother Chris, targeted with her, s...
故事发生在位于英国的一座地处偏远的小镇里,女孩珍妮特(夏洛特·科曼 Charlotte Coleman 饰)出生成长在一个信奉新教的家庭之中。珍妮特的母亲(杰拉尔丁·麦克伊万 Geraldine McEwan 饰)是一位非常虔诚而又极端的教徒,在她的眼中,世界上只有两种人,一种是和她信仰同一种宗教的战友,剩下的则都是...